Pre-Move Checklist for Towing a Tiny House

Pre-move Checklist for Towing a Tiny Home

It’s all very well making sure your tiny home is finished before you move it, and that you have a vehicle strong enough to tow it, but you will need to follow the following list to ensure you, your tiny house, and other people are safe on the road. These can be divided up into three time frames.

One Week Before:

  • Ensure the Tiny Home will be finished and ready to move
  • Ensure you have a mechanic do a thorough service and check of the vehicle towing (especially tyres and brakes)
  • Plan your journey carefully – avoiding bridges, traffic lights, sharp turns, and busy peak traffic times where possible. Look at highway rest stops and areas, how long the trip will take, and when to start
  • Know where to stop for fuel – research which petrol stations can accommodate towing a tiny home on wheels behind – usually only stations that large haulage trucks stop at
  • Check any friends or family are kept up to date with the moving date and time, and where it will start and finish. Also check that anyone using their own car for traveling behind the trailer has their car roadworthy
  • Look ahead at weather formations and predictions for moving day
Pre-move Checklist for Towing a Tiny Home

The Day Before:

  • Check reliable weather sources for hourly forecasts
  • Fill up your vehicle with fuel, and have a spare can of petrol on-board just in-case
  • Clean the vehicle inside and out
  • Contact anyone helping with the move making sure they are ready to rock and roll the next day, and that their mobile phones are fully charged
  • Type in the destination/route to be taken on your GPS
  • Fully charge your mobile phone
  • Organise what you need in the cabin of the vehicle – bottled water, food/snacks, GPS, mobile phone, protective sunglasses
  • Have the clothing and sturdy boots ready to wear

On the Day:

  • Ensure all interior cupboard or toilet doors are properly shut
  • Make sure vents and windows are closed and locked
  • Check the refrigerator is latched
  • Any utilities are disconnected
  • All storage compartments are safely shut and secure
  • Blinds are down and secure or other window dressings are tied back securely
  • The front door is locked
  • Securing the vehicle to the trailer is done correctly and observed by someone else to double check
  • Adjust side-mirrors for visibility on the vehicle
  • Any jacks holding the tiny home up, or any bricks or wheel chocks securing tyres in place are removed

Even if you plan on moving around the country, you will need to keep a regular checklist handy so you don’t accidently leave something out. You will need to add a ‘putting away’ list to ensure all surfaces are free of loose items.

You can bookmark this article, take a screenshot of this list, or install a good checklist app for your phone so you don’t have to print out a list every time.

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