The Art of Bonsai

Tiny Home Bonsai

What better way to take up a new creative hobby and furnish your tiny home and its surrounds at the same time – by learning the art of miniature trees themselves – the Bonsai. These tiny trees have for centuries represented feelings of tranquillity and peace, and have been associated with Zen Buddhism.

Where to start?

By researching what Bonsai plants will grow and work the best for your space, your lifestyle, and your climate. Pop down to your local nursery and start a conversation with one of the experienced staff about whether you would like indoor or outdoor trees, and also to peruse what they have in stock. You can of course purchase a Bonsai starter kit or take up classes either online or in your local area if available.

Note: Putting an indoor Bonsai outdoors or vice versa will surely kill them, so make sure you know which you want and where they will go.

The difference between getting an already accomplished tree and starting from seed is about 3-5 years (more towards the 5 year end) before the young tree can be styled. So doing both maybe the way to go if you want to have already styled Bonsai to decorate your tiny home or outside surrounds, while bringing up your very own from scratch to add later on.

Tiny Home Bonsai

Maintenance and Care

Watering and getting it right is the number one rule here. This in unison with the correct soils and fertilizer types and quality, as well as correct drainage combine to ensure your Bonsai is a happy chappy. Under or over watering can kill off your favourite Bonsai, so knowing how to care for your plant will produce great tiny trees and great additions to your tiny home. I have included links to this and other articles at the end of this post.

Light and humidity. Nature plays a big part in the growing of any plant, however Bonsai trees take a bit more care. Knowing what your Bonsai needs when it comes to the amount of light, and if it’s full or partial light, helps when deciding where to put it in your tiny space. Humidity also plays an important role (especially if you want sub-tropical plants).

Almost all Bonsai need to be re-potted every 2-3 years to ensure they don’t become ‘pot-bound’ (or 3-5 years for more mature trees). By leaving them in their pot longer than this makes it harder for them to soak up and store essential water. You may want to creatively make your own pots (another hobby which could produce some great shapes and designs, and make great gifts for birthdays or Christmas).

Tiny Home Bonsai

There are a range of specialist Bonsai tools designed for getting into small areas, clipping off branches that are too thick for the top, or for delicate shaping. Available in different thicknesses, ‘Bonsai Training Wire’ helps to shape by gently binding around branches. This needs to be continually checked and adjusted so that the wire doesn’t cut into or scar the bark. If you like to be in control and are a perfectionist, this would be an ideal way of honing those skills.

For more online information, check out these sites:-

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